Spoon Street is a self serve soft dessert bar with multiple franchises across Northern Ireland. As a retainer client, it was my responsibility to work with the marketing team and create content calendars for Spoon Street's Instagram feed monthly. This included static images in various formats for the feed and stories and monthly animations created in After Effects.
This client was one of my favourite projects as, well it's always going to be fun to design for an ice cream bar! I loved working with the marketing executive to bring the colour, playful vibes and endless flavour combinations of Spoon Street to their social media channels. 
Spoon Street also partnered with another dessert bar,  CIAO! Gelato for the summer. This required content that balanced both brands and new, creative content ideas that kept the feed as cool as the product. 🍦

This work was completed with Rapid Agency Belfast and is included here with permission.
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